Department of History

Richard Smethurst

  • Professor Emeritus




Education & Training

  • BA, Dickinson College, 1955
  • MA, Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1961
  • PhD, History, University of Michigan, 1968

Representative Publications

A Social Basis for Prewar Japanese Militarism (California, 1974)

Agricultural Development and Tenancy Disputes in Japan, 1870-1940 (Princeton, 1986)

From Foot Soldier to Finance Minister: Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan’s Keynes (Harvard, 2007)

Additional Publications:

“Japan, the United States and the Road to World War II in the Pacific,” The Asia Pacific Journal, on line, Vol. 10, Issue 37, No. 4, September 10, 2012.

Co-editor and co-author, Tsukioka Kôgyo: The Art of Noh, 1869-1927, University of Pittsburgh website with digital photographs of woodblock prints of the Japanese noh theater created by the artist Tsukioka Kôgyo.

Research Interests

The modern history of the Japanese noh theater, and particularly the role that graphic artists such as Tsukioka Kôgyo, his daughter Tsukioka Gyokusei, and his student Matsuno Sôfû, played in creating interest in this theater form both in Japan and abroad.

I am currently writing a book on the Japanese military and World War II.